Difference: RaspiElf (24 vs. 25)

Revision 252018-01-01 - PeterSchmid

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  There are BASIC3, Tiny BASIC, and Chuck's Super Monitor EPROM binaries on Lee Hart's The COSMAC ELF Membership Card http://www.sunrise-ev.com/membershipcard.htm website for his famous Membership Card. I have got some old 27C256 EPROMs but no programmer nor eraser.
But the MSC needs to have 64 KiB RAM, the standard 62256 RAM in the U2 socket and the CY7C199 (or IDT71256) soldered in U8.
But the MSC needs to have 64 KiB RAM, the standard 62256 RAM in the U2 socket and the CY7C199 (or IDT71256) soldered in U8.
Type only the bold text after the $ sign.
First of all you need a serial console (terminal program) to communicate with the Elf. I prefer to use microcom (minicom or putty are good alternatives)
pi@cosmac:~/elf/basic $ sudo apt-get install microcom

The Raspberry Pi UART is used as console (default setting). Change this with raspi-config:

pi@cosmac:~/elf/basic $ sudo raspi-config
Select option 5, Interfacing options, then option P6, Serial, and select No for Would you like a login shell to be accessible over serial? and select Yes for Would you like the serial port hardware to be enabled? . Exit raspi-config. Reboot Raspi now.

Add user pi to the tty group (give user pi the right to write to /dev/ttyS0):

pi@cosmac:~/elf/basic $ sudo usermod -a -G tty pi
  Get the binary from The COSMAC ELF Membership Card http://www.sunrise-ev.com/membershipcard.htm

Line: 220 to 234
 0x0003 bytes written
Start the serial console and connect to the Membership Card
pi@cosmac:~/elf/basic $ microcom -s 9600
connected to /dev/ttyS0
Escape character: Ctrl-\
Type the escape character followed by c to get to the menu or q to quit

Membership Card's Serial Monitor Program Ver. 2.0
Enter "H" for Help.

C RCA 1981
:PRINT "Hello Raspberry Pi"
Hello Raspberry Pi

For other than US keyboards you can use Ctrl-4 instead of Ctrl-

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