Main MCU Firmware

Chase Lighting (Elf Membership Card test program)

                ORG     0H
   0000   c0:11000000           LBR     MOVE
   0001   00:00000000
   0002   03:00000011
   0003   e3:11100011           SEX     R3              ; index register R3 for bit pattern point to 30H
   0004   90:10010000           GHI     R0              ; PC high byte is 0
   0005   b3:10110011           PHI     R3
   0006   f8:11111000           LDI     30H
   0007   30:00110000
   0008   a3:10100011           PLO     R3
   0009   f8:11111000           LDI     00000001B       ; bit pattern to move in (0030H)
   000a   01:00000001
   000b   53:01010011           STR     R3
   000c   64:01100100           OUT     P4              ; Rx = 0030H, INC Rx
   000d   6c:01101100           INP     P4              ; get switches Rx =0031H
   000e   23:00100011           DEC     R3              ; Rx = 0030H
   000f   fa:11111010           ANI     11111110B
   0010   fe:11111110
   0011   3a:00111010           BNZ     LEFT
   0012   1a:00011010
   0013   f0:11110000           LDX                     ; get pattern
   0014   f6:11110110           SHR
   0015   c7:11000111           LSNF
   0016   f8:11111000           LDI     10000000B   
   0017   80:10000000
   0018   30:00110000           BR      STORE
   0019   1f:00011111
   001a   f0:11110000           LDX                     ; get pattern
   001b   fe:11111110           SHL
   001c   c7:11000111           LSNF
   001d   f8:11111000           LDI     00000001B
   001e   01:00000001
   001f   53:01010011           STR     R3
   0020   f8:11111000           LDI     20
   0021   14:00010100
   0022   b2:10110010           PHI     R2              ; R2 wait counter
   0023   22:00100010           DEC     R2              ; wait loop about 0.5 s
   0024   92:10010010           GHI     R2
   0025   3a:00111010           BNZ     WAIT
   0026   23:00100011
   0027   c5:11000101           LSNQ                    ; toggle Q
   0028   7a:01111010           REQ
   0029   38:00111000           NBR     7bH             ; SEQ 
   002a   7b:01111011
   002b   30:00110000           BR      LOOP
   002c   0c:00001100


Peter Schmid, Switzerland,

This file is part of "Velo Bling-Bling" main MCU firmware.

"Velo Bling-Bling" firmware is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

"Velo Bling-Bling" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "Velo Bling-Bling". If not, see


Kinetis Design Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

The Kinetis Design Studio (KDS) is a complimentary integrated development environment for Kinetis MCUs that enables robust editing, compiling and debugging of your designs. Based on free, open-source software including Eclipse, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), GNU Debugger (GDB), and others, the Kinetis Design Studio IDE offers designers a simple development tool with no code-size limitations.

You have to use an old Version (2.0.0, current is 3.2.0) for the veloblingbling project because the Processor Expert USB Stack does not work with newer Kinetis Design Studio Integrated Development Environment.

Processor Expert Software and Embedded Components

Processor Expert Software is a development system to create, configure, optimize, migrate, and deliver software components that generate source code for our (Freescale/NXP) silicon.

Unfortunately the Processor Expert USB Stack v4.1.1 NXP bare metal (no OS) USB Stack is no longer supported. But you can still find it under (ARCHIVED) USB Stack. You need a Windows PC to install, but the Processor Expert components can be used for Linux boxes too, the PEupd files are in the directory C:\Freescale\Freescale USB Stack v4.1.1\ProcessorExpert\Components and have to be imported into the KDS IDE: Processor Expert -> Import Components.

I will migrate the Velo Bling-Bling USB software from Freescale USB Stack v4.1.1 to Erich Styger's USB Stack.

Debug Adapter

The KDS supports following adapters (protocols):

  • OpenSDA Serial and Debug Adapter (proprietary Freescale/NXP/P&E Microcomputer Systems)
  • Segger (industrial standard)
  • OpenOCD,

I propose to use a Freescale/NXP Freedom Board e.g. FRDM-K22F as a debug adapter. I use the OpenOCD/CMSIS-DAP/mbed-interface protocol (factory set on FRDM-K22F).

Quote from Freedom Board for Kinetis K22F Hardware (FRDM-K22F), Users Guide

3.2.1 Debug interface

Signals with SPI and GPIO capability are used to connect directly to the SWD of the K22F. These signals are also brought out to a standard 10-pin (0.05”) Cortex debug connector (J11). It is possible to isolate the K22F MCU from the OpenSDAv2 circuit and use J11 to connect to an off-board MCU. To accomplish this, cut the trace on the bottom side of the PCB that connects J7 pin 2 to J11 pin 4. This will disconnect the SWD_CLK pin to the K22F so that it will not interfere with communication to an off-board MCU connected to J7. The J11 header is populated by default. A mating cable, such as a Samtec FFSD IDC cable, can then be used to connect from the OpenSDAv2 of the FRDM-K22F to an off-board SWD connector.

You can still use the FRDM-K22F as a prototype board. You should solder a pinheader and plug a jumper if you want to use the FRDM-K22F as a prototype board.

See also an excellent introduction to OpenOCD/CMSIS-DAP Debugging by Erich Styger.

Get the Software and Import the Project into the IDE

Get the Source from the Repository

The Velo Bling-Bling Kinetis project is on the GitHub repository Download the ZIP-File and unzip it or better clone the repository e.g. for GNU/Linux:
psi@homer:~/veloblingbling/mcu> git clone
Klone nach 'veloblingbling-mcu' ...
remote: Counting objects: 265, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (97/97), done.
remote: Total 265 (delta 167), reused 260 (delta 166), pack-reused 0
Empfange Objekte: 100% (265/265), 223.50 KiB | 0 bytes/s, Fertig.
Löse Unterschiede auf: 100% (167/167), Fertig.
Prüfe Konnektivität ... Fertig.

Import the Project into the IDE

File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace ->
Select root directory
Copy project into workspace
Browse to veloblingbling/mcu directory

I don't know why, but I had to change the Processor Expert system directory:
Window -> Preferences -> Processor Expert -> Paths
system directory /opt/Freescale/KDS_2.0.0/eclipse/ProcessorExpert

Chase Lighting (Elf Membership Card test program)

0000	C0	LBR MOVE
0001	00
0002	03	

0003	E3	SEX R3		; index register R3 for bit pattern point to 30H
0004	90	GHI R0 		; PC high byte is 0
0005	B3	PHI R3
0006	F8	LDI 30H
0007	30
0008	A3	PLO R3

0009	F8	LDI 00000001B	; bit pattern to move in (0030H)
000A	01
000B	53	STR R3
000C	64	OUT4		; Rx = 0030H, INC Rx
000D	6C	INP4		; get switches Rx =0031H
000E	23	DEC R3		; Rx = 0030H
000F	FA	ANI 11111110B
0010	FE
0011	3A	BNZ LEFT
0012    1A
0013	F0	LDX		; get pattern
0014	F6	SHR
0015	C7	LSNF
0016	F8	LDI 10000000B
0017	80	
0018	30	BR  STORE
0019	1F
001A	F0	LDX		; get pattern
001C	C7	LSNF
001D	F8	LDI 00000001B
001E	01
001F	53	STR R3

0020	F8	LDI 20
0021	14
0022	B2	PHI R2		; R2 wait counter
0023	22	DEC R2		; wait loop about 0.5 s
0024	92	GHI R2
0025	3A	BNZ WAIT
0026	23

0027	C5	LSNQ		; toggle Q
0028	7A	REQ
0029	38	NBR
002A	7B	SEQ
002B	30	BR LOOP	
002C	0C		

-- Peter Schmid - 2017-11-18


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Topic revision: r4 - 2017-12-17 - PeterSchmid
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