Raspberry Pi Interface to Cosmac Elf
The Unix philosophy emphasizes building simple, short, clear, modular, and extensible code that can be easily maintained and repurposed by developers other than its creators. The Unix philosophy favors composability as opposed to monolithic design.

This is a good opportunity to merge old SBC technology (COSMAC Elf) with a new one (Raspberry Pi and GNU/Linux). If you are new to GNU/Linux get involved! I always admire the UNIX philosophy, I hope this project fulfill the UNIX concept.

elf2bin (download tool)

elf2bin - Copies the Elf (Membership Card) memory to a binary file on the Raspberry Pi.

elf2bin [-s hexadr] [-e hexadr] [-w] [-r] [file]

Copies the Elf memory to a binary file (or stdout) on the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi GPIO is used as interface to the Cosmac Elf SBC (e.g. Elf Membership Card parallel port). The generated data is written to the standard output stream or to a file. Caution: Overwrite file if it exists. Use > for redirecting (save the file) or | for piping to another command (e.g. hexdump). All switches an the Elf Membership Card have to be on the up position except for the READ switch, the READ switch has to be on the down position.

Non argument options that are duplicated on the command line are not harmful. For options that require an argument, each duplication will override the previous argument value.
-s hexadr
start address in hex (0 is default)
-e hexadr
end adress in hex (0xFFFF is default)
write enable when copying is finished
go to run mode when copying is finished

bin2elf (upload tool)

bin2belf - Copies the content of binary file on the Raspberry Pi to Elf (Membership Card) memory .

bin2elf [-s hexadr] [-e hexadr] [-w] [-r] [file]

Copies the content of binary file on the Raspberry Pi to Elf (Membership Card) memory. The Raspberry Pi GPIO is used as interface to the Cosmac Elf SBC (e.g. Elf Membership Card parallel port). Use < for redirecting or | for piping from another command. All switches an the Elf Membership Card have to be on the up position except for the READ switch, the READ switch has to be on the down position.

Non argument options that are duplicated on the command line are not harmful. For options that require an argument, each duplication will override the previous argument value.
-s hexadr
start address in hex (0 is default)
-e hexadr
end adress in hex (0xFFFF is default)
write enable when copying is finished
go to run mode when copying is finished

elf (command line tool)

elf - Controls the mode, sets data switches and gets LED data of an Elf (Membership Card).

elf [-s hexadr] [-i] [-n] [-v] [load|run|wait|reset|read|get|put] [switch]

Controls the mode, sets data switches and gets LED data of an Elf (Membership Card). The Raspberry Pi GPIO is used as interface to the Cosmac Elf SBC (e.g. Elf Membership Card parallel port). If a command is missing, the default command is then get. All switches an the Elf Membership Card have to be on the up position except for the READ switch, the READ switch has to be on the down position.
sets the mode to load (WAIT and CLR active, is equivalent to switches down)
sets the mode to run (WAIT and CLR inactive, is equivalent to switches up)
sets the WAIT to active (is equivalent to switch down), option -n inverts the WAIT to inactive (is equivalent to switch down)
sets the CLR to active (is equivalent to switch down), option -n inverts the CLR to inactive (is equivalent to switch down)
sets the WE to active (is equivalent to switch down), option -n inverts the CLR to inactive (is equivalent to switch down)
gets the mode and the switch data and the LED data
put switch
puts the switch data to the data switches. The data is in hex.

Non argument options that are duplicated on the command line are not harmful. For options that require an argument, each duplication will override the previous argument value.
-s hexadr
start address in hex (0 is default). Pre increment to the start address before the data is read and written.
post increment. The IN is set active for > 100 us after the data is read and written
not, invert the command. No effect for load, run, get, and put.
verbose, output looks like "LED:01 Q:1 Rx:1 IN:0 WAIT:1 CLR:1 READ:0 SWITCH:0c"

How to get and build the RaspiElf tools

Get the source from the GIT repository (if you have not installed GIT yet, then install it with sudo apt-get install git):

pi@cosmac:~/elf $ git clone https://github.com/spyren/RaspiElf
Cloning into 'RaspiElf'...
remote: Counting objects: 68, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (37/37), done.
remote: Total 68 (delta 32), reused 62 (delta 29), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (68/68), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
pi@cosmac:~/elf $

Build (compile) from the sources:

pi@cosmac:~/elf $ cd RaspiElf
pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf $ cd tools/
pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/tools $ make
cc -g -c elf2bin.c
cc -g -c raspi_gpio.c
cc -g -o elf2bin -lwiringPi elf2bin.o raspi_gpio.o
cc -g -c bin2elf.c
cc -g -o bin2elf -lwiringPi bin2elf.o raspi_gpio.o
cc -g -c elf.c
cc -g -o elf -lwiringPi elf.o raspi_gpio.o
pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/tools $ 

Install the binaries into /usr/local/bin

pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/tools $ sudo make install
install -m 557 elf2bin bin2elf elf /usr/local/bin

Sample session

Initialise the Elf memory with 00H (32 Kib):

pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/chase $ bin2elf -e 7fff </dev/zero
0x8000 bytes written

Upload and run the chase lighting program (details see ChaseLighting):

pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/chase $ bin2elf -w -r chase.bin
0x002d bytes written

Stop the program an go into the load state:

pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/chase $ elf load
01 1 0 0 1 1 0 0c

Hexdump the Elf memory until address 0x3f (hexdump is standard UNIX tool and is included in Raspbian and other GNU/Linux'):

pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/chase $ elf2bin -e 3f | hexdump -C 
0x0040 bytes read
00000000  c0 00 03 e3 90 b3 f8 30  a3 f8 01 53 64 6c 23 fa  |.......0...Sdl#.|
00000010  fe 3a 1a f0 f6 c7 f8 80  30 1f f0 fe c7 f8 01 53  |.:......0......S|
00000020  f8 14 b2 22 92 3a 23 c5  7a 38 7b 30 0c 00 00 00  |...".:#.z8{0....|
00000030  04 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|

Get the mode and the data (LEDs and swiches)

pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/chase $ elf
02 1 1 0 1 1 1 ff
pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/chase $ elf -v 
LED:01 Q:1 Rx:1 IN:0 WAIT:1 CLR:1 READ:0 SWITCH:0c

Write enable (not READ)

pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/chase $ elf -n read
02 1 1 0 1 1 0 ff

Run mode (starts the chase lighting again)

pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/chase $ elf run

Put 0000'0000B to the switches (chase LEDs from right to left)

pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/chase $ elf put 0
40 1 1 0 0 0 0 00

Put 1000'0000B to the switches (chase LEDs from left to right)

pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/chase $ elf put 80
10 1 1 0 0 0 0 80

Get the mode and data while the program is running (LEDs and Q are changing)

pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/chase $ elf -v
LED:40 Q:1 Rx:1 IN:0 WAIT:0 CLR:0 READ:0 SWITCH:80
pi@cosmac:~/elf/RaspiElf/chase $ elf -v
LED:02 Q:0 Rx:1 IN:0 WAIT:0 CLR:0 READ:0 SWITCH:80


The Raspberry Pi ARM processor supply voltage is 3.3 V and the GPIOs are not 5 V tolerant. The Elf supply voltage is 5 V. This means that the GPIOs (input) has to be protected from Elf. The easiest way is to use diodes e.g. 1N4148 to protect the GPIOs from the 5 V, but the GPIOS need then a pullup resistors. Thankfully the Raspi GPIOs have internal pullup and can be controlled by software. The cathode has to be on the Elf side.

It is possible that the Elf works with 3.3 V supply voltage, but this is not within the specifications. In this case the diodes are not needed. Connect the Raspi Pin 1 to P4 Pin 3 (do NOT connect Raspi Pin 2!).

Pi Pin# Pi Function Elf Pin DSUB J2 POWER P4 Elf Function
1 3.3 V (18) (3) (VIN, +)
2 5 V (18) 3 VIN, +
3 BCM 2, SDA      
4 5 V      
5 BCM 3, SCL      
6 GND (19) 1 GND, -
7 BCM 4 1, in   IN- (EF4)
8 BCM 14, TXD (20) 4, in RXD, RX (EF3)
9 GND 21 6 GND, /ON
10 BCM 15, RXD (15) 5, out, Cathode TXD, TX (Q)
11 BCM 17 14, in   WAIT-
12 BCM 18 16, in   CLR-
13 BCM 27 17, in   WE-
14 GND      
15 BCM 22 2, in   IN0
16 BCM 23 3, in   IN1
17 3.3 V      
18 BCM 24 4, in   IN2
19 BCM 10, MOSI 5, in   IN3
20 GND      
21 BCM 9, MISO 6, in   IN4
22 BCM 25 7, in   IN5
23 BCM 11,SCLK 8, in   IN6
24 BCM 8, CE0 9, in   IN7
25 GND      
26 BCM 7, CE1 25, out, Cathode   O0 (*)
27 BCM 0      
28 BCM 1      
29 BCM 5 24, out, Cathode   O1 (*)
30 GND      
31 BCM 6 23, out, Cathode   O2 (*)
32 BCM 12 22, out, Cathode   O3 (*)
33 BCM 13 13, out, Cathode   O4 (*)
34 GND      
35 BCM 19 12, out, Cathode   O5 (*)
36 BCM 16 10, out, Cathode   O6 (*)
37 BCM 26 11, out, Cathode   O7 (*)
38 BCM 20      
39 GND      
40 BCM 21      

-- Peter Schmid - 2017-11-26


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted descending Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg raspi-elfmemcard.jpg r1 manage 396.7 K 2017-12-18 - 18:00 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg harness.jpg r1 manage 276.2 K 2017-12-18 - 17:46 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg raspi-elfmemcard-s.jpg r2 r1 manage 55.2 K 2017-12-18 - 17:49 PeterSchmid  
PNGpng gpio-numbers-pi2.png r1 manage 53.2 K 2017-11-26 - 18:46 PeterSchmid  

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Topic revision: r19 - 2017-12-18 - PeterSchmid
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