The chassis is from a Backwoods Miniatures Bagnall. Actually an 009 (00 1:76 scale, 9 mm gauge) kit for only 40.00 GBP, available direct from the manufacturer. The chassis kit includes some etched nickel-silver parts (mainframe, rods, crosshead, etc.) motor (Mashima), wheels and gears. It is a superb slow runner due the 54:1 gear ratio. The superstructure is cannibalized from a Joe Works 0-4-0 Porter. I used 2 saddletanks for my new Porter (the second saddletank came from a Joe Works RGS 0-6-0T). The Joe Works locomotives have never worked reliable.
If you would like to use also a Backwoods Miniatures Bagnall chassis for your locmotive projects, here are some measurements. The Baldwin 2-4-2T would be also good starting point for a conversion.
Description | H0 | 00 | mm |
Rigid Wheel Base | 4' | 3' 6" | 14 mm |
Drivers | 31" | 27" | 9 mm |
Frame Length | 14' 10" | 13' | 52 mm |
Width | 6' 5" | 5' 7" | 22.5 mm |
Height | 10' | 8' 9" | 35 mm |
Description | H0 | 00 | mm |
Rigid Wheel Base | 5' 8" | 5' | 20 mm |
Drivers | 36" | 32" | 10.5mm |
Wheel Base, Total | 20' | 17' 5" | 70 mm |
Wheels | 21" | 19" | 6.3 mm |
Frame Length | 27' 1" | 23' 8" | 95 mm |
Width | 8' 2" | 7' 1" | 28.5 mm |
Height | 10' 3" | 9' | 36 mm |
A Backwoods kit looks like this (Baldwin 2-4-2T and K1 Garrat):