Difference: RaspiElf (34 vs. 35)

Revision 352018-12-16 - PeterSchmid

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elfdisplay (controls hex-display and hex-keypad)

elfdisplay - Reads a hex keypad and sets the data and gets LED data of an Elf (Membership Card) and shows address and data on micro dot pHAT display.
elfdisplay [-v] [<device-filename>]

Reads a hex keypad and sets the data and gets LED data of an Elf (Membership Card) and shows address and data on micro dot pHAT display. The console (stdin) can be used as keyboard or the EV_KEY events from USB keypad (e.g. /dev/input/event0).

Non argument options that are duplicated on the command line are not harmful. For options that require an argument, each duplication will override the previous argument value.
verbose, output looks like "LED:01 Q:1 Rx:1 IN:0 WAIT:1 CLR:1 READ:0 SWITCH:0c"

Function Keys

Short Mode Key Keycode Notes
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
LD Load L, + 78 Goes to the LOAD mode. In the LOAD mode goes to the address entry mode
IN Input I, [CR] 96 Increment address, in LOAD mode causes the data byte shown to be written to the address shown
MP Memory Protect M, - 74 Shows data byte from the address shown
SW Switch/Keypad S, [BS] 14 Toggles between front panel switches and keypad
R/S Run/Wait R, . 83 Toggles between Run and Wait. R/S is a reminiscence of HP pocket calculators

To upload BASIC3 and the knightrider chase light and start the elfdisplay at boot add following to the /etc/rc.local:

# RaspiElf Tools init
# -------------------
printf "Upload BASIC3 to membership card\n"
bin2elf -s 8000 /home/pi/elf/basic/MCSMP20J.bin
printf "Upload knightrider to membership card\n"
bin2elf /home/pi/elf/RaspiElf/chase/knightrider.bin
#printf "Start BASIC\n"
#bin2elf /home/pi/elf/basic/LBR_8000.bin
printf "Start ElfDisplay\n"
elfdisplay /dev/input/by-id/usb-046a_0014-event-kbd &


How to get and build the RaspiElf tools

Get the source from the GIT repository (if you have not installed GIT yet, then install it with

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