Difference: NeoPixelWing (1 vs. 6)

Revision 62021-07-12 - PeterSchmid

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="MecrispCubeF405"

NeoPixel Wing



3 6 dmod                       \ D6 output

Line: 23 to 28
  -- Peter Schmid - 2021-04-28


 \ No newline at end of file
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2945-01.jpg" attr="" comment="" date="1626112562" name="2945-01.jpg" path="2945-01.jpg" size="394368" user="PeterSchmid" version="1"

Revision 52021-06-18 - PeterSchmid

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="MecrispCubeF405"

NeoPixel Wing

3 6 dmod                       \ D6 output
32 cells buffer: pixelbuffer    \ create buffer for the neopixels

Revision 42021-04-30 - PeterSchmid

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="MecrispCubeF405"

NeoPixel Wing

Line: 17 to 17
 $000001 , $000002 , $000004 , $000008 , $000010 , $000020 , $000040 , $000080 , \ 3th row blue $808080 , $404040 , $202020 , $101010 , $080808 , $040404 , $020202 , $010101 , \ 4th row white pixels 32 neopixels
create pixels $00010000 , $00020000 , $00040000 , $00080000 , $00100000 , $00200000 , $00400000 , $00800000 , \ 1st row red $00008000 , $00004000 , $00002000 , $00001000 , $00000800 , $00000400 , $00000200 , $00000100 , \ 2nd row blue $01000000 , $02000000 , $04000000 , $08000000 , $10000000 , $20000000 , $40000000 , $80000000 , \ 3th row green $80808000 , $40404000 , $20202000 , $10101000 , $08080800 , $04040400 , $02020200 , $01010100 , \ 4th row white pixels 32 neopixels

-- Peter Schmid - 2021-04-28

Revision 32021-04-29 - PeterSchmid

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="MecrispCubeF405"

NeoPixel Wing

3 6 dmod  \ D6 output

32 cells buffer: pixels $ff000000 pixels ! pixels 1 neopixels
32 cells buffer: pixelbuffer \ create buffer for the neopixels $ff0000 pixelbuffer ! \ 1st Neopixel red $00ff00 pixelbuffer 1 cells + ! \ 2nd Neopixel green $0000ff pixelbuffer 2 cells + ! \ 3th Neopixel blue $7f7f7f pixelbuffer 3 cells + ! \ 4th Neopixel white 50 % pixelbuffer 4 neopixels

create pixels $010000 , $020000 , $040000 , $080000 , $100000 , $200000 , $400000 , $800000 , \ 1st row red $008000 , $004000 , $002000 , $001000 , $000800 , $000400 , $000200 , $000100 , \ 2nd row green $000001 , $000002 , $000004 , $000008 , $000010 , $000020 , $000040 , $000080 , \ 3th row blue $808080 , $404040 , $202020 , $101010 , $080808 , $040404 , $020202 , $010101 , \ 4th row white pixels 32 neopixels

create pixels $00010000 , $00020000 , $00040000 , $00080000 , $00100000 , $00200000 , $00400000 , $00800000 , \ 1st row red $00008000 , $00004000 , $00002000 , $00001000 , $00000800 , $00000400 , $00000200 , $00000100 , \ 2nd row blue $01000000 , $02000000 , $04000000 , $08000000 , $10000000 , $20000000 , $40000000 , $80000000 , \ 3th row green $80808000 , $40404000 , $20202000 , $10101000 , $08080800 , $04040400 , $02020200 , $01010100 , \ 4th row white pixels 32 neopixels


Revision 22021-04-28 - PeterSchmid

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="MecrispCubeF405"

NeoPixel Wing

32 cells buffer pixels
3 6 dmod \ D6 output 32 cells buffer: pixels
 $ff000000 pixels ! pixels 1 neopixels

Revision 12021-04-28 - PeterSchmid

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="MecrispCubeF405"

NeoPixel Wing

32 cells buffer pixels
$ff000000 pixels !
pixels 1 neopixels

-- Peter Schmid - 2021-04-28


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