Difference: TerminalIO (10 vs. 11)

Revision 112020-05-24 - PeterSchmid

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emit and key can block the calling thread, if the buffer is full (emit) or empty (key). The other threads are not affected (no busy-wait). The incoming characters (Rx) are buffered in a RTOS message queue, outgoing characters are also buffered.
 Default console is USB-CDC, but if you press button SW2 on reset, the console is redirected to the UART RS-232 serial device (for details see mecrisp.s). If you press button SW1 on reset, the console is redirected to the Bluetooth LE Cable Replacement Service.
emit? 	     ( -- Flag ) 	Ready to send a character?

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USB-CDC Serial Communication (API)

Buffered USB-CDC serial communication. The USB-CDC appears as a traditional RS-232 port in your operating system (Linux /dev/ttyACMx, Windoze COMx). No need to bother with baud rates, handshaking, parity and other awkward things.
USB_USER CN1 Micro USB connector on the MB1355 Nucleo Board. USB_USER CN3 USB A plug on the MB1293 dongle.
After the first connect to the USB host the green LED is switched on.

USB_USER CN1 Micro USB connector on the MB1355 Nucleo Board.
USB_USER CN3 USB A plug on the MB1293 dongle.

cdc-emit   ( c -- ) Emits one character to the USB-CDC interface. Blocking if the Buffer is full.
cdc-key    ( -- c ) Waits and gets one character from the USB-CDC interface. Blocking if the buffer is empty.

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UART Serial Communication (API)

The Rx buffer is 20 k, the Tx buffer 1 k. Copy and past source code into the terminal is possible without buffer overrun.
  USB-CDC on the ST-LINK Micro USB connector on the MB1355 Nucleo Board. Serial port UART1 on PB6/PB7 (remove jumper SB2, close jumper SB6) on the MB1293 dongle.

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 crs-key? ( -- ? ) Checks if a character is in the buffer.
The blue LED indicates a connection to a central device.

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