Difference: TerminalIO (14 vs. 15)

Revision 152020-08-05 - PeterSchmid

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To work with a Forth system you need some kind of a console. A text terminal with RS-232 port has been used for this purpose in the past, today's PCs have software to emulate terminals but have no more any RS-232 interface. But there are usually USB interfaces instead. The USB-CDC appears as a traditional RS-232 port in your operating system (Linux /dev/ttyACMx, Windoze COMx). No need to bother with baud rates, handshaking, parity and other awkward things.
To work interactively with a Forth system, you need some kind of console. A text terminal with RS-232 port has been used for this purpose in the past. Today's PCs have software to emulate a terminal, but usually no longer have serial ports (RS-232 interfaces). Instead, there are usually USB interfaces.

The USB-CDC appears as a traditional RS-232 port in your operating system (Linux /dev/ttyACMx, Windoze COMx). No need to bother with baud rates, handshaking, parity and other awkward things.

  There is also a wireless console for PCs and mobile devices. The proprietary STM BLE Cable Replacement Service is used as communication protocol.
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