Difference: TerminalIO (22 vs. 23)

Revision 232021-06-20 - PeterSchmid

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%DASHBOARD{ section="banner"
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 hook-emit ( -- addr )

uart ( -- ) redirect console to serial interface (UART)

>uart ( -- addr1 addr2 )
<uart ( -- addr1 addr2 )
>uart ( -- addr1 addr2 ) redirect console out (addr1 original emit, addr2 original emit?) to the serial interface (UART)
<uart ( -- addr1 addr2 ) redirect console in (addr1 original key, addr2 original key?) to the serial interface (UART)
 cdc ( -- ) redirect console to USB-CDC >cdc ( -- addr1 addr2 )
<cdc ( -- addr1 addr2 )
Line: 48 to 48
 >crs ( -- addr1 addr2 )
<crs ( -- addr1 addr2 )
>term ( addr1 addr2 -- )
<term ( addr1 addr2 -- )
>term ( addr1 addr2 -- ) terminate (addr1 to restore emit, addr2 to restore emit?) redirection for console out
<term ( addr1 addr2 -- ) terminate (addr1 to restore key, addr2 to restore key?) redirection for console in

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