Difference: UserManual (1 vs. 14)

Revision 142022-07-06 - PeterSchmid

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  Will man die Schweizer Flagge als Bling ausgeben:

CLI> set bling image
CLI> set bling img
 CLI> set image bling 0

Revision 132019-01-02 - PeterSchmid

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  title="User Manual, Short Tutorial" titlestyle="color:#F00000;" }%
Pushbutton Operation

Pushbutton Operation

  • Short pressure: start trip (green LD1) ⇄ stop trip (red LD1)
  • Double click: reset trip (blue LD1)
Line: 15 to 15
Command-Line Interface

Command-Line Interface

Manual without frames

Terminal Emulator

You can use the command-line interface CLI via USB CDC or Bluetooth LE vSP. You need an application for the PC or an app for the smartphone.
Line: 325 to 325





Revision 122016-11-13 - PeterSchmid

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Line: 36 to 36
  • minicom (Linux)
You have to install a driver for Windows. The device name is Virtual Com Port, the appropriate INF file (Setup Information file) is fsl_ucwxp.inf.
After the connector is plugged in, LED LD14 goes on (green or yellow). Additionally a LED from LD1 to LD13 goes on, these LEDs show the battery level, LD1 (red) is lowest, LD13 (green) is highest (battery fully charged). If you push the ESC key now, the LEDs go off and similar text is showed:
After the connector is plugged in, LED LD14 goes on (green or yellow). Additionally a LED from LD1 to LD13 goes on, these LEDs show the battery level, LD1 (red) is lowest, LD13 (green) is highest (battery fully charged). If you push the ESC or the '>' key now, the LEDs go off and similar text is showed:
Euler Wheel 32, Velo Bling Bling                                                                                  

Version 4.2rc1, 2016/02/01, Copyright Peter Schmid                                                                
Normal operation mode (automatically), hit ESC for command line interface (interactive mode)
Normal operation mode (automatically), hit ESC or '>' for command line interface (interactive mode)
 Command Line Interface (interactive mode). CLI>

Revision 112016-11-13 - PeterSchmid

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Terminal Emulator

You can use the command-line interface CLI over USB CDC or Bluetooth LE vSP. You need an application for the PC or an app for the smartphone.
You can use the command-line interface CLI via USB CDC or Bluetooth LE vSP. You need an application for the PC or an app for the smartphone.

Terminal emulator apps for smartphones (Bluetooth)

The BLE vSP profile is proprietary, there is no standard serial communication profile:

Revision 102016-10-26 - PeterSchmid

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Command-Line Interface


Terminal Emulator

You can use the command-line interface CLI over USB CDC or Bluetooth LE vSP. You need an application for the PC or an app for the smartphone.

Revision 92016-08-10 - PeterSchmid

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%DASHBOARD{ section="banner"
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Terminal Emulator

You can use the command-line interface CLI over USB CDC or Bluetooth LE vSP. You need an application for the PC or an app for the smartphone.
Terminal emulator apps for smartphones. The BLE vSP profile is proprietary, there is no standard serial communication profile:

Terminal emulator apps for smartphones (Bluetooth)

The BLE vSP profile is proprietary, there is no standard serial communication profile:
  After a successful connection the LED LD16 is on (blue).
Terminal emulator applications for PCs. You have to connect the Velo Bling-Bling with an USB cable to the PC:

Terminal emulator applications for PCs

You have to connect the Velo Bling-Bling with an USB cable to the PC:
  • minicom (Linux)
You have to install a driver for Windows. The device name is Virtual Com Port, the appropriate INF file (Setup Information file) is fsl_ucwxp.inf.
 After the connector is plugged in, LED LD14 goes on (green or yellow). Additionally a LED from LD1 to LD13 goes on, these LEDs show the battery level, LD1 (red) is lowest, LD13 (green) is highest (battery fully charged). If you push the ESC key now, the LEDs go off and similar text is showed:
Euler Wheel 32, Velo Bling Bling                                                                                  
Line: 354 to 358
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="fsl_ucwxp.inf" attr="" comment="" date="1470816994" name="fsl_ucwxp.inf" path="fsl_ucwxp.inf" size="3238" user="PeterSchmid" version="1"
META PREFERENCE name="WEBLOGOURL" title="WEBLOGOURL" type="Set" value="http://veloblingbling.ch/twiki/bin/view/Velo/EWheelEn"
META PREFERENCE name="WEBLOGOIMG" title="WEBLOGOIMG" type="Set" value="http://veloblingbling.ch/twiki/pub/Velo/EWheelEn/kmh-veloblingbling-thumb.png"
META PREFERENCE name="WEBLOGOALT" title="WEBLOGOALT" type="Set" value="Velo Bling-Bling home"

Revision 82016-08-09 - PeterSchmid

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 show|set string upper|lower anystring show|set image upper|lower|bling number

set script number commands.. ;

show script number script start|test number script stop

 trip start|stop|pause|resume


Line: 254 to 262
  Es sind 20 Zeichen in 5x12, 14 Zeichen in 7x12, 12 Zeichen in 8x12 und 8 Zeichen in 12x16 Font darstellbar. Die verfügbaren Fonts sind 5x12 (0), 6x8 (1), 7x12 (2), 7x12b (3), 8x12 (4) und 12x16 (5). Der Default-Font ist 7x12b. Font ist innerhalb des Strings mit \f<nn> änderbar, z.B. \i00 für den kleinsten Font.


Very simple script interpreter. Every line is interpreted by CLI except lines beginning with : (colon) or ; (semicolon). After reading a semicolon the script restarts from the beginning. A line has to be <= 80 chars long.

The script buffer is 800 bytes and shares the same memory for the images (dotmatrix). That means one buffer has room for about 50 command lines. If that is not enough then you can start another script buffer within the script.

Special Commands

:wait n
waits n seconds

aborts script

script end, restart script from beginning


CLI> set script 40
set string upper Hallo
set string lower Velo
set upper string
set lower string
:wait 10
set upper speed
set lower trip
:wait 10
CLI> show script 40
set string upper Hallo
set string lower Velo
set upper string
set lower string
:wait 10
set upper speed
set lower trip
:wait 10
CLI> script start 40
CLI> script stop
script stopped

Revision 72016-03-31 - PeterSchmid

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%DASHBOARD{ section="banner"
Line: 20 to 20

Terminal Emulator

You can use the command-line interface CLI over USB CDC or Bluetooth LE vSP. You need an application for the PC or an app for the smartphone.
Terminal emulator app for smartphones over Bluetooth 4.0 (vSP BLE profile is proprietary, there is no standard serial communication profile):
Terminal emulator apps for smartphones. The BLE vSP profile is proprietary, there is no standard serial communication profile:
  After a successful connection the LED LD16 is on (blue).
Line: 30 to 30
After the connector is plugged in, LED LD14 goes on (green or yellow). Additionally a LED from LD1 to LD13 goes on, those LEDs show the battery level, LD1 (red) is lowest, LD13 (green) is highest (battery fully charged). If you push the ESC key now, the LEDs go off and similar text is showed:
After the connector is plugged in, LED LD14 goes on (green or yellow). Additionally a LED from LD1 to LD13 goes on, these LEDs show the battery level, LD1 (red) is lowest, LD13 (green) is highest (battery fully charged). If you push the ESC key now, the LEDs go off and similar text is showed:
Euler Wheel 32, Velo Bling Bling                                                                                  
Line: 269 to 269
 The Velo Bling-Bling side with the pushbutton is called top surface (usually the left side), the other side bottom surface.


The displays can show static or dynamic info. Strings or images are static, cyclocomputer values are dynamic. Bling displays can show only static info.


Is picture with a height of 16 pixels (the number of LEDs) and a maximum length of 100 pixels.
Images have a height of 16 pixels (the number of LEDs) and a maximum length of 100 pixels. The LEDs can display 8 different colors.


Revision 62016-03-31 - PeterSchmid

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In this example the upper display shows the current speed and the lower display the string veloblingbling. Each side has its own independent upper an lower display (see Surface below).
In this example the upper display shows the current speed and the lower display the string veloblingbling. Each side has its own independent upper an lower display (see section Surface below).
Between these two displays there is another display called bling. If the upper or lower display is blank and bling display is not blank, the bling image/string is showed instead. The bling image is repeated till the end of the rotation, see the rear wheel in the video: the upper display shows the trip distance, the bling display shows the repeated image with the Swiss, German, French, and Italian Flags. After each rotation the image is turned counterclockwise 4 pixels.
Between these two displays there is another display called bling. If the upper or lower display is blank and bling display is not blank, the bling image/string is showed instead. The bling image is repeated till the end of the rotation, see the rear wheel in the video: the upper display shows the trip distance, the bling display shows the repeated image with the Swiss, German, French, and Italian flags. After each rotation the image is turned counterclockwise 4 pixels.


The Velo Bling-Bling side with the button is called top surface (usually the left side), the other side bottom surface.
The Velo Bling-Bling side with the pushbutton is called top surface (usually the left side), the other side bottom surface.


Revision 52016-03-31 - PeterSchmid

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%DASHBOARD{ section="banner" image="/twiki/pub/Velo/BetaTest/header2.jpg"
title="User Manual"
title="User Manual, Short Tutorial"
  titlestyle="color:#F00000;" }%

Command Line Interface

You can use the command line interface CLI over USB CDC or Bluetooth LE vSP.

Pushbutton Operation

  • Short pressure: start trip (green LD1) ⇄ stop trip (red LD1)
  • Double click: reset trip (blue LD1)
  • Long pressure: LEDs enabled (white LD1) ⇄ LEDs disabled (orange LD1)
  • Hold button while reset (connect to battery): restore factory settings (magenta LD1)
Terminalprogramm um Velo Bling-Bling über Bluetooth 4.0 zu bedienen:

Command-Line Interface

Terminal Emulator

You can use the command-line interface CLI over USB CDC or Bluetooth LE vSP. You need an application for the PC or an app for the smartphone.

Terminal emulator app for smartphones over Bluetooth 4.0 (vSP BLE profile is proprietary, there is no standard serial communication profile):

After a successful connection the LED LD16 is on (blue).
Terminalprogramm um Velo Bling-Bling über USB zu bedienen:
Terminal emulator applications for PCs. You have to connect the Velo Bling-Bling with an USB cable to the PC:
After the connector is plugged in, LED LD14 goes on (green or yellow). Additionally a LED from LD1 to LD13 goes on, those LEDs show the battery level, LD1 (red) is lowest, LD13 (green) is highest (battery fully charged). If you push the ESC key now, the LEDs go off and similar text is showed:
Euler Wheel 32, Velo Bling Bling                                                                                  

Version 4.2rc1, 2016/02/01, Copyright Peter Schmid                                                                

Normal operation mode (automatically), hit ESC for command line interface (interactive mode)                      
Command Line Interface (interactive mode).                                                                        

Basic Configuration

  Hier ein paar Beispiele, wie man das Bling-Bling konfiguriert. Es müssen nur die fett geschriebenen Zeichen eingegeben werden.
Line: 47 to 71
 CLI> set lower string


 Man kann auch Bilder mit der Escape-Sequenz \i<nn> in den String einfügen, z.B. die Schweizer Flagge mit \i00. Weitere Escape-Sequenzen:
 *     _      Space
Line: 144 to 169

Overview Commands

 Übersicht Befehle:
* Command Line Interface (CLI, interactive mode) * * show all * set upper|lower speed|max|avg|trip|tot|alt|inc|temp|cad|watch|time|stop|string|blk|img|light * set bling blk|img * show currentspeed|speed [m/s] * show maximumspeed|max [m/s] * show averagespeed|avg [m/s] * show tripdistance|trip [m] * show|set totaldistance|tot [m] * show currentaltitude|alt [m] * show tripelevationgain|gain [m] * show|set totalelevationgain|totgain [m] * set altimeteroffset|alti [m] * show incline|inc [%] * show temperature|temp [°C] * show pedalingcadence|cad [/Min] * * show|set currenttime|watch yyyymmddhhmmss * show triptime|time [s] * show|set totaltime|tottime [s] * show chronotime|chrono [s] * * show datalog * * show|set circumference|circ [m] * show|set unit imperial|metric * show|set stretch * show|set side left|right * show|set wheel front|rear * show|set logintervall|log [s] * show|set delay [°] * show|set surface top|bottom * * show|set upper|lower speed|max|avg|trip|tot|alt|inc|temp|cad|watch|time|stop|str|blk|img|light * show|set bling str|blk|img * * show|set color upper|lower rd|gn|yl|bl|ma|cy|wt * * show|set pattern number [0..49] * rrrrrrrrrrrr * rrrrrwwrrrrr * rrrrrwwrrrrr * rrwwwwwwwwrr * rrwwwwwwwwrr * rrrrrwwrrrrr * rrrrrwwrrrrr * rrrrrrrrrrrr * . * show|set string upper|lower anystring * show|set image upper|lower|bling number * * log start [yyyymmddhhmmss] * log stop * * clear logdata * clear factoryset|all * * trip start|stop|pause|resume * * test * about * help * reset * exit * * mode speed|trip|tot|alt|cad|watch|time|stop|string|blk|pic
show all set upper|lower speed|max|avg|trip|tot|alt|inc|temp|cad|watch|time|stop|string|blk|img|light set bling blk|img show currentspeed|speed [m/s] show maximumspeed|max [m/s] show averagespeed|avg [m/s] show tripdistance|trip [m] show|set totaldistance|tot [m] show currentaltitude|alt [m] show tripelevationgain|gain [m] show|set totalelevationgain|totgain [m] set altimeteroffset|alti [m] show incline|inc [%] show temperature|temp [°C] show pedalingcadence|cad [/Min]

show|set currenttime|watch yyyymmddhhmmss show triptime|time [s] show|set totaltime|tottime [s] show chronotime|chrono [s]

show datalog

show|set circumference|circ [m] show|set unit imperial|metric show|set stretch show|set side left|right show|set wheel front|rear show|set logintervall|log [s] show|set delay [°] show|set surface top|bottom

show|set upper|lower speed|max|avg|trip|tot|alt|inc|temp|cad|watch|time|stop|str|blk|img|light show|set bling str|blk|img

show|set color upper|lower rd|gn|yl|bl|ma|cy|wt

show|set pattern number [0..49] rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrwwrrrrr rrrrrwwrrrrr rrwwwwwwwwrr rrwwwwwwwwrr rrrrrwwrrrrr rrrrrwwrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr . show|set string upper|lower anystring show|set image upper|lower|bling number

trip start|stop|pause|resume

test about help reset exit



 Das Display ist 100x16 Pixel gross. Im Beispiel unten ist die 12 in 8x12 Font, der : ist in 5x12 und das "A" in 12x16 Font.
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F101122131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F2021..
Line: 239 to 256






In this example the upper display shows the current speed and the lower display the string veloblingbling. Each side has its own independent upper an lower display (see Surface below).


Kurzer Tastendruck: Start Trip (grün) / Stopp Trip (rot)
Between these two displays there is another display called bling. If the upper or lower display is blank and bling display is not blank, the bling image/string is showed instead. The bling image is repeated till the end of the rotation, see the rear wheel in the video: the upper display shows the trip distance, the bling display shows the repeated image with the Swiss, German, French, and Italian Flags. After each rotation the image is turned counterclockwise 4 pixels.
Doppelklick: Reset Trip (blau)


The Velo Bling-Bling side with the button is called top surface (usually the left side), the other side bottom surface.
Langer Tastendruck: LEDs ein (weiss) / LEDs aus (orange)




Is picture with a height of 16 pixels (the number of LEDs) and a maximum length of 100 pixels.




Revision 42016-03-30 - PeterSchmid

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META PREFERENCE name="WEBLOGOURL" title="WEBLOGOURL" type="Set" value="http://veloblingbling.ch/twiki/bin/view/Velo/EWheelEn"
META PREFERENCE name="WEBLOGOIMG" title="WEBLOGOIMG" type="Set" value="http://veloblingbling.ch/twiki/pub/Velo/EWheelEn/kmh-veloblingbling-thumb.png"
META PREFERENCE name="WEBLOGOALT" title="WEBLOGOALT" type="Set" value="Velo Bling-Bling home"

Revision 32016-03-30 - PeterSchmid

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%DASHBOARD{ section="banner"
Line: 8 to 8

Command Line Interface

 You can use the command line interface CLI over USB CDC or Bluetooth LE vSP.

Terminalprogramm um Velo Bling-Bling über Bluetooth 4.0 zu bedienen:

  Terminalprogramm um Velo Bling-Bling über USB zu bedienen:

Revision 22016-03-30 - PeterSchmid

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  titlestyle="color:#F00000;" }%

Kurze Bedienungsanleitung Konfiguration über Terminal


Command Line Interface

You can use the command line interface CLI over USB CDC or Bluetooth LE vSP.

  Terminalprogramm um Velo Bling-Bling über Bluetooth 4.0 zu bedienen:

Revision 12016-03-29 - PeterSchmid

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User Manual

Kurze Bedienungsanleitung Konfiguration über Terminal

Terminalprogramm um Velo Bling-Bling über Bluetooth 4.0 zu bedienen:

Terminalprogramm um Velo Bling-Bling über USB zu bedienen:

Hier ein paar Beispiele, wie man das Bling-Bling konfiguriert. Es müssen nur die fett geschriebenen Zeichen eingegeben werden.

Beispiel um den Radumfang einzustellen (Eingabe in Meter, alle Einheiten sind SI):

CLI> set circumference 2.130
Oder in Kurzschreibweise:
CLI> set circ 2.130

Vorderrad auswählen

CLI> set wheel front

Soll die Konfiguration dauerhaft abgespeichert werden, d.h. auch nach einem Akkuwechsel oder wenn der Akku voll entladen wurde.:

CLI> save

Die obere Anzeige wird upper die untere lower genannt. Den Teil zwischen upper und lower nenne ich bling. Im bling Teil werden die Bilder wiederholt, wenn eine Anzeige ausgeschaltet ist (blank), dann wird dort auch das Bling-Muster wiederholt. Will man in der Anzeige den String (Text) Hallo Velo! ausgeben, so geht man folgendermassen vor (bitte beachten! für Leerzeichen gibt man _ ein):

CLI> set string lower Hallo_Velo!
CLI> set lower string

Man kann auch Bilder mit der Escape-Sequenz \i<nn> in den String einfügen, z.B. die Schweizer Flagge mit \i00. Weitere Escape-Sequenzen:

 *     _      Space
 *     \_     _
 *     \\     \
 *     \i<nn> image number 00..49
 *     \f<nn> font         00..04
 *     \c<nn> color 00..07 
 *     \s<nn> space in columns

Die Farbe des Strings setzt man mit:

CLI> set color lower green

Momentan sind nur wenige Bilder abgespeichert (hauptsächlich Nationalflaggen). Insgesamt hat es im Speicher Platz für 50 Bilder. Bilder können auch heraufgeladen werden. Beispiel um Bild 21 auf der unteren Anzeige auszugeben:

CLI> set image lower 21
CLI> set lower image
Hier die Liste der momentan verfügbaren Bilder:
0:  Switzerland
1:  Germany
2:  Austria
3:  Italy
4:  France
5:  Belgium
6:  Spain
10: heart
11: snow
20: Germany spyr.ch Switzerland
21: countries Austria Italy France Belgium
22: countries Switzerland Italy France Germany 
23: countries Germany Switzerland Italy
24: veloblingbling

Will man die Schweizer Flagge als Bling ausgeben:

CLI> set bling image
CLI> set image bling 0

Die Seite (surface) mit dem Drucktaster heisst top, die andere bottom. Die Befehle wie set lower image beziehen sich auf die augenblicklich eingestellte Seite. Die Seite wählt man aus mit:

CLI> set surface bottom

Die wichtigsten Konfigurationen (die Infos beziehen sich auf die eingestellt Seite, in diesem Beispiel auf top) ausgeben:

CLI> show all                                                                                                    
surface top                                                                                                       
upper currentspeed                                                                                                
lower image                                                                                                       
bling blank                                                                                                       
string upper GNU/Linux                                                                                            
string lower spyr.ch                                                                                              
color upper green                                                                                                 
color lower red                                                                                                   
image upper 20
image lower 24
image bling 0
currentspeed 0.0 m/s
maximumspeed 0.0 m/s
averagespeed 0.0 m/s
tripdistance 0.0 m
totaldistance 0.0 m
currentaltitude 361 m
tripaltitude 0 m
totalaltitude 0 m
incline 0 %
altimeteroffset 0 m
temperature 22.4 °C
pedalingcadence 0 /Min
triptime 1 s
totaltime 0 s
chronotime 0 s
circumference 2.11 m
stretch 1.0 
logintervall 60 s
battery 4.29 V
acceleration -0.92 -0.61 9.66 m/s^2, Orientation 198
trip stopped
chrono stopped
unit metric
side left
wheel rear

Übersicht Befehle:

 *      Command Line Interface (CLI, interactive mode)
 *      show     all
 *      set      upper|lower speed|max|avg|trip|tot|alt|inc|temp|cad|watch|time|stop|string|blk|img|light
 *      set      bling blk|img
 *      show     currentspeed|speed   <float>            [m/s]
 *      show     maximumspeed|max     <float>            [m/s]
 *      show     averagespeed|avg     <float>            [m/s]
 *      show     tripdistance|trip    <float>            [m]
 *      show|set totaldistance|tot    <float>            [m]
 *      show     currentaltitude|alt  <float>            [m]
 *      show     tripelevationgain|gain <float>            [m]
 *      show|set totalelevationgain|totgain <float>            [m]
 *      set      altimeteroffset|alti <float>            [m]
 *      show     incline|inc          <float>            [%]
 *      show     temperature|temp     <float>            [°C]
 *      show     pedalingcadence|cad  <float>            [/Min]
 *      show|set currenttime|watch    yyyymmddhhmmss
 *      show     triptime|time        <float>            [s]
 *      show|set totaltime|tottime    <float>            [s]
 *      show     chronotime|chrono    <float>            [s]
 *      show     datalog
 *      show|set circumference|circ   <float>            [m]
 *      show|set unit                 imperial|metric 
 *      show|set stretch              <float>
 *      show|set side                 left|right      
 *      show|set wheel                front|rear
 *      show|set logintervall|log     <float>            [s]
 *      show|set delay                <float>            [°]
 *      show|set surface              top|bottom
 *   show|set upper|lower          speed|max|avg|trip|tot|alt|inc|temp|cad|watch|time|stop|str|blk|img|light
 *   show|set bling                str|blk|img
 *   show|set color upper|lower    rd|gn|yl|bl|ma|cy|wt
 *   show|set pattern              number           [0..49]
 *   rrrrrrrrrrrr    
 *   rrrrrwwrrrrr    
 *   rrrrrwwrrrrr         
 *   rrwwwwwwwwrr    
 *   rrwwwwwwwwrr    
 *   rrrrrwwrrrrr    
 *   rrrrrwwrrrrr    
 *   rrrrrrrrrrrr    
 *   .
 *   show|set string upper|lower   anystring
 *   show|set image upper|lower|bling number
 *      log start                      [yyyymmddhhmmss]
 *      log stop
 *      clear logdata
 *      clear factoryset|all
 *      trip start|stop|pause|resume
 *      test
 *      about
 *      help
 *      reset
 *      exit
 *      mode speed|trip|tot|alt|cad|watch|time|stop|string|blk|pic

Das Display ist 100x16 Pixel gross. Im Beispiel unten ist die 12 in 8x12 Font, der : ist in 5x12 und das "A" in 12x16 Font.

        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F101122131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F2021..
F 8000 --------------------------------------------         XXXX 
E 4000 --------------------------------------------         XXXX
D 2000 --------------------------------------------       XXXXXXXX
C 1000 --------------------------------------------       XXXXXXXX
B 0800                                                    XXXXXXXX
A 0400     XX           XXXXXXXX                        XXXXXXXXXXXX
9 0200   XXXX         XXXX    XXXX                      XXXX    XXXX
8 0100 XXXXXX         XXXX    XXXX                      XXXX    XXXX
7 0080     XX                 XXXX        XXXX        XXXX        XXXX
6 0040     XX               XXXX          XXXX        XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
5 0020     XX             XXXX                        XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
4 0010     XX           XXXX                        XXXX            XXXX
3 0008     XX         XXXX    XXXX        XXXX      XXXX            XXXX
2 0004 XXXXXXXXXXX----XXXXXXXXXXXX----    XXXX----  XXXX            XXXX--
1 0002                  
0 0001                   
Es sind 20 Zeichen in 5x12, 14 Zeichen in 7x12, 12 Zeichen in 8x12 und 8 Zeichen in 12x16 Font darstellbar. Die verfügbaren Fonts sind 5x12 (0), 6x8 (1), 7x12 (2), 7x12b (3), 8x12 (4) und 12x16 (5). Der Default-Font ist 7x12b. Font ist innerhalb des Strings mit \f<nn> änderbar, z.B. \i00 für den kleinsten Font.



Kurzer Tastendruck: Start Trip (grün) / Stopp Trip (rot)

Doppelklick: Reset Trip (blau)

Langer Tastendruck: LEDs ein (weiss) / LEDs aus (orange)

-- Peter Schmid - 2015-03-28


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