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Results from Velo web retrieved at 15:46 (GMT)

Firmware for the Velo Bling Bling project LED lights for bicycle wheels. 16 multi color LEDs on both sides (PCB top and bottom side). There are two windows (upper...
User Manual without Frames Command Line Interface Terminal Emulator You can use the command line interface CLI over USB CDC or Bluetooth LE vSP. You need an application...
RitcheyBreakawayTitan RitcheyBreakawaySteel RitcheyBreakawaySinglespeed RitcheyUltra RitcheyOutback RitcheyAscent SpecializedVenge SpecializedTricross...
Mont Ventoux, Provence Mal auf den Mont Ventoux PeterSchmid 2013 10 06
Number of topics: 4

Topic revision: r40 - 2024-10-09 - PeterSchmid
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