Board Support Words
Defaults: Digital port pins D0 to D9 are inputs, except D6 and D8 are output for neopixel, D1 for UART Tx. D10, D11, D12, and D13 are for the SD card. You are free to use the GPIO pins for other purposes.
led1! ( n -- ) sets LED1 (blue)
led1@ ( -- n ) gets LED1 (blue)
switch1? ( -- n ) gets switch1, closed=TRUE
dport! ( n -- ) sets the digital output port (D0=bit0 .. D15=bit15).
dport@ ( -- n ) gets the digital input/output port (D0=bit0 .. D15=bit15).
dpin! ( n a -- ) sets the digital output port pin (D0=0 .. D15=15, A0=16 .. A4=20)
dpin@ ( a -- n ) gets the digital input/output port pin
dmod ( u a -- ) sets the pin mode: 0 in, 1 in pull-up, 2 in pull-down, 3 out push pull, 4 out open drain,
5 out push pull PWM, 6 input capture, 7 output compare, 8 I2C
EXTImod ( u a -- ) Sets for pin a (D3, D5, D6, D7) the EXTI mode u: 0 rising, 1 falling, 2 both edges, 3 none
EXTIwait ( u a -- ) Wait for EXTI interrupt on pin a (D3, D5, D6, D7), timeout u in [ms]
pwmpin! ( u a -- ) sets the digital output port pin a (D0=0, D1=1, A4=20) to a PWM value u (0..1000). Default frequency is 1 kHz, TIMER1
pwmprescale ( u -- ) Sets the PWM prescale for TIMER1. 32 kHz / prescale, default 32 -> PWM frequency 1 kHz
ICOCprescale ( u -- ) Sets the input capture / output compare prescale for TIMER2. default 32 -> 32 MHz / 32 = 1 MHz, timer resolution 1 us
ICOCperiod! ( u -- ) Sets the input capture / output compare (TIMER2) period. default $FFFFFFFF (4'294'967'295).
When the up counter reaches the period, the counter is set to 0.
For prescale 32 the maximum time is about 1 h 11 m
ICOCcount! ( -- u ) Sets the input capture / output compare counter for TIMER2
ICOCcount@ ( u -- ) Gets the input capture / output compare counter for TIMER2
ICOCstart ( -- ) Starts the ICOC period
ICOCstop ( -- ) Stops the ICOC period
OCmod ( u a -- ) Sets for pin a (D13=13, A2=18, A3=19) the Output Compare mode u: 0 frozen, 1 active level on match, 2 inactive level on match,
3 toggle on match, 4 forced active, 5 forced inactive
OCstart ( u a -- ) Starts the output compare mode for pin a with pulse u
OCstop ( a -- ) Stops output compare for pin a
ICstart ( u -- ) Starts input capture u: 0 rising edge, 1 falling edge, 2 both edges
ICstop ( -- ) Stops input capture
waitperiod ( -- ) wait for the end of the TIMER2 period
OCwait ( a -- ) wait for the end of output capture on pin a
ICwait ( u -- u ) wait for the end of input capture with timeout u, returns counter u
apin@ ( a -- u ) gets the analog input port pin (A0 .. A4). Returns a 12 bit value (0..4095)
I2Cdev ( u -- ) Sets the 7-bit I2C address
I2Cput ( c-addr u -- ) put a message with length u from buffer at c-addr to the I2C slave device
I2Cget ( c-addr u -- ) get a message with length u from I2C slave device to buffer at c-addr
I2Cputget ( a1 u1 a2 u2 -- ) put a message with length u1 from buffer at a1 to the I2C slave device
and get a message with length u2 from device to buffer at a2
SPIputget ( a1 a2 u -- ) put a message with length u from buffer at a1 to the SPI slave device
and get a message with length u from device to buffer at a2
SPIputc ( char ) put a single char to the SPI slave device