This page defines the headers and footers for documents generated by GenPDFAddOn. See the HtmlDoc documentation for more info.

If you want an image in the headers, specify it like this:


<!-- PDFSTART -->
<!-- HEADER CENTER "%FORMFIELD{"DocumentClassification" topic="%WEB%.%BASETOPIC%"}%" -->
<!-- HEADER RIGHT "&copy; Your Company %WEB%" -->
<!-- FOOTER LEFT "%REVINFO{"r1.$rev &shy; $date &shy; $wikiusername" web="%WEB%" topic="%BASETOPIC%"}%" -->
<!-- FOOTER CENTER "" -->
<!-- FOOTER RIGHT "$PAGE(1)" -->
<!-- PDFSTOP -->

Related: GenPDFAddOnDemo, GenPDFAddOn, GenPDFExampleTitleTopic

-- TWiki:Main.WadeTurland - 13 Jun 2005

Topic revision: r1 - 2011-01-25 - TWikiContributor
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on at TWiki:TWiki.GenPDFExampleHeaderFooterTopic.