\ Prompt by Glen Worstell \ PWD for Mecrisp-Cube added \ ---------------------------------- PRINTING in DECIMAL -------------------- : .# base @ swap decimal . base ! ; \ Print in decimal and restores base. \ --------------------------------- PRINTING in HEX ------------------------- : .$ base @ hex swap 0 <# # # # # [char] _ hold # # # # #> type space base ! ; \ --------------------------------- PRINTING in BINARY ---------------------- : .% base @ swap binary 0 <# 7 0 do # # # # [char] _ hold loop # # # # #> type space base ! ; \ ------------------------- GLENS PROMPT ------------------------------------ \ If a "word" that calls "init" is loaded first, omit next line. : init ; : prompt ( -- ) begin compiletoram? if ." R " else ." F " then \ show where compiling. base @ case \ show base. #10 of ." # " endof #16 of ." $ " endof #2 of ." % " endof ." B" base @ .# \ show base if not # $ %. endcase depth .# \ show stack depth. tib 256 f_getcwd drop strlen type space ." > " \ show ">" for prompt. Could show "OK." query cr interpret cr again ; : init init ['] prompt hook-quit ! ; \ make new prompt init quit