Difference: RaphaFestive2011 (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92011-12-31 - PeterSchmid

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Festive 500 km

This page is dedicated to my late wife Ursula. She died as a reigning ironman world champion. Her favourite tour to prepare for the ironman was the Sargans tour.
This page is dedicated to my late wife Ursula. She died as a reigning ironman world champion. Her favourite tour to prepare for the ironman was the Sargans tour. We did this tour several times together, now I have to ride alone.
Line: 91 to 91


Date Distance
23.12.2011 38
26.12.2011 90
28.12.2011 162
Line: 119 to 120
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20111228_002.mp4" attr="" comment="Just before the summit (Filzbach, Kerenzerberg)" date="1325097505" name="20111228_002.mp4" path="20111228_002.mp4" size="29253545" user="PeterSchmid" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20111228_003.mp4" attr="" comment="Walensee" date="1325097605" name="20111228_003.mp4" path="20111228_003.mp4" size="4931163" user="PeterSchmid" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20111228_004.jpg" attr="" comment="Walensee, Churfirsten" date="1325097790" name="20111228_004.jpg" path="20111228_004.jpg" size="524170" user="PeterSchmid" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20111228_005.jpg" attr="" comment="Walensee" date="1325097783" name="20111228_005.jpg" path="20111228_005.jpg" size="518190" user="PeterSchmid" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20111228_005.jpg" attr="" comment="Walensee, the fog is behind me" date="1325097783" name="20111228_005.jpg" path="20111228_005.jpg" size="518190" user="PeterSchmid" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20111228_008.jpg" attr="" comment="The fog is still there, I have to ride another 40 km in the fog" date="1325097767" name="20111228_008.jpg" path="20111228_008.jpg" size="427106" user="PeterSchmid" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20111228_007.jpg" attr="" comment="Sargans, my Ritchey Breakaway steel bike (Paris-Brest-Paris proven)" date="1325098792" name="20111228_007.jpg" path="20111228_007.jpg" size="729310" user="PeterSchmid" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20111229_005.jpg" attr="" comment="Rapperswil" date="1325187393" name="20111229_005.jpg" path="20111229_005.jpg" size="579938" user="PeterSchmid" version="1"
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