Forth for the Membership Card
Computers are machines just like the marionette. They must be told exactly what to do, in specific language. And so we need a language which possesses two seemingly opposite traits: On the one hand, it must be precise in its meaning to the computer, conveying all the information that the computer needs to know to perform the operation. On the other hand, it must be simple and easy-to-use by the programmer.

From chapter "Introduction for Beginners", Leo Brodie, Starting FORTH

Rc/Forth and IDIOT Monitor for RaspiElf (Membership Card)

Mark Abene made FORTH work on the Membership Card.

Modified version of Mike Riley's Rc/Forth, ROM version. Changed to work with my modified version of IDIOT. Loads in at 0500h. You can get it from the COSMAC ELF yahoo group.
New version of IDIOT with SCRT routines, along with TYPE, MSG, READ, and INPUT routines for basic console I/O. Loads in at 0000h. You can get it from the COSMAC ELF yahoo group. For details see

Concatenated this two files as mc-forth.hex and convert it to a binary file:

pi@cosmac:~/elf/forth $ cat idiot_new_qhi.hex forth.hex > mc-forth.hex
pi@cosmac:~/elf/forth $ hex2bin mc-forth.hex 
hex2bin v2.5, Copyright (C) 2017 Jacques Pelletier & contributors

Lowest address:   00000000
Highest address:  00001633
Starting address: 00000000
Max Length:       5684

Binary file start = 00000000
Records start     = 00000000
Highest address   = 00001633
Pad Byte          = FF
pi@cosmac:~/elf/forth $ ls -l
insgesamt 40
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 12132 Jan 13 12:36 forth.hex
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi  2890 Jan 13 12:36 idiot_new.hex
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi  5684 Jan 13 12:41 mc-forth.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 15022 Jan 13 12:36 mc-forth.hex

Now upload and start Rc/Forth (mc-forth.bin):

pi@cosmac:~/elf/forth $ bin2elf -w -r mc-forth.bin
0x1634 bytes written
clear high (8th) bit of input characters
pi@cosmac:~/elf/forth $ stty -F /dev/ttyS0 istrip
and start the terminal emulator (console):
pi@cosmac:~/elf/forth $ microcom -s 600
connected to /dev/ttyS0
Escape character: Ctrl-\
Type the escape character followed by c to get to the menu or q to quit
Rc/Forth 0.1
(c) copyright 2006 by Michael H. Riley
ok 15 5 + .
20 ok BYE


Rc/Forth and Chuck's Super Monitor for RaspiElf (Membership Card)

Mark Abene made Rc/Forth also work with Chuck's Super Monitor. I prefer this monitor because of its ability to communicate with 9600 baud.

Mike Riley's Rc/Forth, modified to work with Chuck Yakym's MCSMP20 firmware. You can get it from the COSMAC ELF yahoo group.
Chuck's Super monitor. Loads in at 0000h. You can get it from the Lee A. Hart's website The COSMAC ELF Membership Card .

Create binary file and load it at 0x8000:

pi@cosmac:~/elf/forth $ hex2bin mcsmp_rcforth.hex
hex2bin v2.5, Copyright (C) 2017 Jacques Pelletier & contributors

Lowest address:   00008000
Highest address:  000091DB
Starting address: 00008000
Max Length:       4572

Binary file start = 00008000
Records start     = 00008000
Highest address   = 000091DB
Pad Byte          = FF
pi@cosmac:~/elf/forth $ bin2elf -s 8000 mcsmp_rcforth.bin
0x11dc bytes written
Now upload and start the monitor, start the terminal program with 9600 baud:
pi@cosmac:~/elf/forth $ bin2elf -w -r MCSMP20B.bin
0x8000 bytes written
pi@cosmac:~/elf/forth $ microcom -s 9600
connected to /dev/ttyS0
Escape character: Ctrl-\
Type the escape character followed by c to get to the menu or q to quit
Membership Card's Serial Monitor Program Ver. 2.0B
Enter "H" for Help.
Currently running your program
Rc/Forth 0.1
(c) copyright 2006 by Michael H. Riley

Night Rider in Rc/Forth

See ChaseLighting for an assembler version (much faster of course).

Here a small test program for the Rc/Forth. It's a simple night rider chase lighting, but it is using the MC LEDs (of course), the switches for setting the pace and the IN button to terminate the program.

Some interactive programming to find out how OUT is working:

ok 1 4 OUT
ok 4 1 OUT
ok 4 2 OUT
ok : LED! 4 SWAP OUT ;
ok 4 LED!

The rest of the program, every word can and should be tested interactively (e.g. 1 LEFT):


Push the IN button to terminate the program.

Mass storage

Forth without mass storage (blocks, screens) is a not complete. A SD-Card interface could be a reasonable solution but this is an overkill for a small Forth system.

EEPROM Serial Communication

Serial Peripheral Interface SPI, MC is the SPI master, the host is the slave. e.g. AT25M02 SPI EEPROM 2Mbit (256 KiB, $3) or 25LC512 (64 KiB, $1.50). DIL8 Package. 256 KiB seems very small for today's standards where storage is quantified in GiB, but I think it's more than enough for a small Forth system.

CLK   MC ->- host
MOSI  MC ->- host
MISO  MC -<- host
SS    MC ->- host or other peripherals (optional)

Serial EEPROM Connected to Centronics Connector (Switches and LEDs)

Sharing the LED and Switch port, you loose two LEDs and one switch. Conflict with the bootstrap loader, some sort of disable EEPROM needed e.g. switch or jumper.

SPI MC (Master) AT25xxx (Slave) Interface
MISO J2.9 IN7 SWITCH7 2 SO direct
MOSI J2.11 O7 LED7 5 SI direct
CLK J2.10 O6 LED6 6 SCK direct
CS   1 CS Pullup 10 k, switch to GND
  P4.3 VDD 8 VCC +5V
  " 3 WP +5V
  " 7 HOLD +5V
  21 GND 4 GND GND

Raspberry Pi can emulate SPI EEPROM. On RaspiElf the switches/LEDs are already connected to Raspi's GPIOs. No need for additional hardware. But I have to write an SPI server for the Raspberry Pi.

Serial EEPROM patched on MC PCB

SPI Mode 0, data is always latched in on the rising edge of SCK and always output on the falling edge of SCK.

SPI MC (Master) AT25xxx (Slave) Interface
MISO /EF2 2 SO direct
MOSI D0 5 SI direct
CLK TPB & N1 (OUT2) 6 SCK wired AND; Pullup 10 k, 2 1N4148
CS   1 /CS GND
    8 VCC +5V
    3 /WP +5V
    7 /HOLD +5V
    4 GND GND


What about using KERMIT or ZMODEM protocol for the file transfer and use the file system on the host? No need to add additional hardware (SD-card is anyway to modern wink You could use an old CP/M or even a PDP11 as host. The C-Kermit Local Server mode, e.g. MC can read/write the blocks as files block.0, block.2, block.255.

Spare Time Gizmo’s ELF2K ROM for RaspiElf

pi@cosmac:~/elf/elf2k $ cp v88.hex
pi@cosmac:~/elf/elf2k $ patch v88.hex v88-mc.patch
pi@cosmac:~/elf/elf2k $ hex2bin v88.hex
hex2bin v2.5, Copyright (C) 2017 Jacques Pelletier & contributors

Lowest address:   00000000
Highest address:  00007FFF
Starting address: 00000000
Max Length:       32768

Binary file start = 00000000
Records start     = 00000000
Highest address   = 00007FFF
Pad Byte          = FF
pi@cosmac:~/elf/elf2k $ bin2elf -s 8000 v88.bin 
0x8000 bytes written
pi@cosmac:~/elf/elf2k $ bin2elf -w -r LBR_8000.bin
0x0003 bytes written
pi@cosmac:~/elf/elf2k $ 
But there is "Post Code 97" -> EPROM checksum wrong

-- Peter Schmid - 2019-01-13


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted descending Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatpatch v88-msc.patch r1 manage 0.5 K 2019-01-13 - 14:53 PeterSchmid  

This topic: Cosmac > WebHome > McForth
Topic revision: r8 - 2019-01-17 - PeterSchmid
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