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3.3 RAM-NS Kernel

This kernel is thought to be used for Flight and Engineering Units. Because these units do not contain the technological serial terminal interface, the kernel does not contain serial interface support. The kernel consists of the following files by default (see table 14):

Table 14: Kernel Source Files
Filename Description
rtx2010.def RTX2010 opcode definitions
startup.fth startup code
code2010.fth low level primitives
kernel.fth main Forth kernel
brdio.fth common IO code
vectors.fth vector table
interrupt.fth interrupt handler code
multirtx.fth Multitasker

Additionally support can be added for multitasking and software floating point. To include one of these additions it is necessary to set the corresponding condition in the build control file (the multitasker is already used). The build control file expects to find the ADS application code in the file app.fth, which should be located in the directory above (for the application source files see part II of the user manual). Other kernels are available in the subdirectories RAM-F (full Forth-kernel interpreter/compiler and serial I/O included, very usefull for debugging) and RAM-SIO (serial I/O for displaying infos included).

For the available Forth words please check the kernel source files. The compiled code size for the default kernel files and the application files is 13060 bytes. The checksum for the PROMs are: Even 000B8122, odd 0006BC41. The Markings are ADS QM1 even and ADS QM1 odd. There has to be a string $Id: firmware.tex,v 1.4 2001/05/15 10:00:16 pschmid Exp $ starting at address 2EF7.

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Peter Schmid 2001-05-18