Difference: VeloPBP2019 (44 vs. 45)

Revision 452024-10-13 - PeterSchmid

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 Kharkov Velocipyed Zavod KVZ


Head Badge Црна чиопа

Geometrie Kocmo-Rahmen M

  KOCMO Randonneur M Ritchey Breakaway 54 Ritchey Breakaway 56 BMC CROSS 54 S-WORKS VENGE 54 Rose Randonneur
Top Tube Length (horiz.) 555 550 560 550 548 532
Seat Tube Length CTT 500 480 540 543 535 507 540
Head Tube Length 130 132 137 148 140 125
Wheel Base 1045 985 994 1008 978 1008
Reach 390 385 399 386 386 373
Stack 572 556 548 550 544 537
Stack-to-Reach Ratio 1.47 1.44 1.37 1.42 1.41 1.44
  KOCMO Randonneur M Ritchey Breakaway 54 Ritchey Breakaway 56 BMC CROSS 54 S-WORKS VENGE 54 Rose Randonneur Ritchey Ascent M
Top Tube Length (horiz.) 555 550 560 550 548 532 556
Seat Tube Length CTT 500 480 540 543 535 507 540 465
Head Tube Length 130 132 137 148 140 125 130
Wheel Base 1045 985 994 1008 978 1008 1065
Reach 390 385 399 386 386 373 381
Stack 572 556 548 550 544 537 589
Stack-to-Reach Ratio 1.47 1.44 1.37 1.42 1.41 1.44 1.55
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