2 Foot Gauge Railways in Switzerland

Bergwerk Gonzen (Iron Ore Mine)

The Roman (maybe the Celt) discovered the iron ore over 2000 years ago. The mine was abandoned in 1969 and is opened for the public since 1986.

For more infos see Bergwerk Gonzen

Bergwerk Kaepfnach (Coal Mine)

The largest coal mine in Switzerland. The galleries are about 80 km long, the area is 3 kmē (OK, the mine is tiny compared to mines in other countries). The mine was last used from 1941 to January 1947. The coal has a poor quality and was mined only in time of crises (e.g. war time).

You can visit the coal mine every saturday afternoon from 13:00 to 16:30 (April to end of November). There is also a small museum (Bergwerkstrasse 27, CH-8810 Horgen), the visit starts there at 13:00 to 13:30. It costs only 15 CHF for adults and 8 CHF for kids. For more infos see Bergwerk Kaepfnach

Schinznacher Baumschulbahn (Tree Nursery Railway)

Line characteristics

The Schinznacher Baumschulbahn is the only Swiss steam railway with a gauge of 60 cm (about 2 feet). The 3 km long round trip passes through an area of serveral thousand species of trees and plants and traverses a 30 m long viaduct on its route.

Regular trains (Operation)

Steam trains operate from the end of April until the beginning of October every weekend, except for bank holidays. Saturdays from 13.00 until 15.30 and Sundays from 13.30 until 17.00, at half-hour intervals.

Travel time: 20 minutes; 1 intermediary stop. Ticket prices: adults CHF 5.-; children (aged 6 to 16) CHF2.50; tickets for groups of 10 persons or more an request.

Special steam trains: Operate for special occasions such as weddings, company, club and society outings from end of April until beginning of October, except for Sundays and bank holidays. The may be booked at any time by previous arrangement. Price: CHF 500.- (max. 100 persons) Diesel trains: Operate during same season every Wednesday afternoon. Ticket prices: CHF 2.50; children accompanied by adults free of charge.

Motive Power

More then 9 locomotives of various types, including 1 Garratt of South African Railways (weight 60 t, length 15 m).

For more infos see Schinznacher Baumschulbahn

Parc d'Attraction du Chattelard VS (Train Touristiques d'Emosson)

When coming from Martigny (23 km) or from Chamonix (19 km), those who like thrills can take the breathtaking Chatelard Funicular whose two cars run along the steepest slope in the world : 87% permits a difference in altitude of 692 meters in just 12 minutes !

The scenic train ride then crosses forests and rocky terrain, offering at every moment stupendous view-points of the Mont-Blanc Massive (4807m u.s.l.).

And lastly, the Minifunic enters the impressive 180-meter high archway barrage of Emosson that has a capacity of 225 milion cube meters at 1931m u.s.l.

Two hours on foot along the most beautiful dinosaur trail in Europe!

-- PeterSchmid - 2011-05-09

Creative Commons License
This work by Peter Schmid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Topic attachments
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JPEGjpg LogoProGonzen.jpg r1 manage 5.9 K 2011-05-13 - 20:32 PeterSchmid  
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Topic revision: r4 - 2018-12-27 - PeterSchmid
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