vi Editor


I was looking for a tiny editor which can be easily adapted and embedded into a (Forth) system. The vi EMACS war is over but others have won. However for me vi is better suited for restricted (embedded) systems. I have not used vi for a very long time, but to see a screen full with ~ at the beginning of the lines makes me feel like coming home. I never thought I would ever take the book Learning the vi Editor, by Linda Lamb, 5th edition 1990 off the bookshelf again for reading. I kept the book only for sentimental reasons.

My editor history:

  • CP/M Turbo Pascal Editor (Wordstar) OKI if800, Z80 Assembler, Pascal, 1984
  • UNIX Rand Editor, Perkin Elmer, 1985
  • VMS EDT MicroVAX, Pascal, Oracle DB, 1987
  • vi (MKS Toolkit) IBM PC DOS cross-assembler for NEC's 75X 4-bit MCUs, Coherent OS, Linux, 1988
  • UNIX EMACS as system administrator for DEC Tru64 UNIX, SUN Solaris, and Linux servers, 1996
  • IDE (Eclipse, NetBeans, EWARM), 2010


This vi has its origin in BusyBox tiny vi. But there are some differences:
  • The program is resident. The text buffer and other buffers too. You can leave the program without saving, do some work on the command line and go back to vi and continue the edit task.
  • The text buffer is restricted to 40 KiB. Large files have to be split up.
  • 8-bit characters are allowed e.g. UTF8
  • Mecrisp Forth uses DOS/Windows style line endings carriage return and line feed ("\r\n"). Unix (and vi) uses just line feed ("\n"). dos2unix unix2dos
  • The command v evaluates a line.

Don't forget: you can't use any special keys (e.g. cursor movement keys) in the insert/replace mode.


-- Peter Schmid - 2020-08-29


Topic attachments
ISorted ascending Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
C source code filec vi.c r1 manage 111.1 K 2020-10-02 - 21:18 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg Mecrisp-Cube-vi-header.jpg r1 manage 69.8 K 2020-09-23 - 18:20 PeterSchmid  
JPEGjpg Mecrisp-Cube-vi-header2.jpg r1 manage 75.0 K 2020-09-23 - 18:27 PeterSchmid  
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