NeoPixel is Adafruit's brand of individually addressable red-green-blue (RGB) LED. They are based on the WS2812 LED and WS2811 driver, where the WS2811 is integrated into the LED, for reduced footprint. Adafruit manufactures several products with NeoPixels with form factors such as strips, rings, matrices, Arduino shields, traditional five-millimeter cylinder LED and individual NeoPixel with or without a PCB. The control protocol for NeoPixels is based on only one communication wire.

How To Use

Single Pixel

The Adafruit Feather STM32F405 Board has its own Neopixel (GPIO PC0, D8) :

neopixel!    ( rgb -- )  sets the neopixel RGB led ($ff0000 red, $00ff00 green, $0000ff blue)

On the STM32WB Feather Development Board the NeoPixel shares the LED D12 pin. It is easy to add an Adafruit pixel breakout board or a Flora Pixel at the top of the shield. The LED can be used concurrently.

  • green: successfull USB enumeration
  • blue: BLE connected
  • flashing red: file write operation
  • flashing yellow: file read operation

For the STM32WB Nucleo Board I use D6 for the Neopixel. It takes about 30 us to set one Neopixel, during this time the interrupts are disabled.

3 6 dmod           \ D6 output
$ff0000 neopixel!   \ red LED 100 % brightness

Neopixel Wing with 32 Pixels

NeoPixelWing uses the D6 as datapin for the Neopixels:
3 6 dmod                       \ D6 output
32 cells buffer: pixelbuffer    \ create buffer for the neopixels
$ff0000 pixelbuffer !            \ 1st Neopixel red
$00ff00 pixelbuffer 1 cells + !   \ 2nd Neopixel green
$0000ff pixelbuffer 2 cells + !    \ 3th Neopixel blue
$7f7f7f pixelbuffer 3 cells + !     \ 4th Neopixel white 50 %
pixelbuffer 4 neopixels

create pixels 
$010000 , $020000 , $040000 , $080000 , $100000 , $200000 , $400000 , $800000 , \ 1st row red
$008000 , $004000 , $002000 , $001000 , $000800 , $000400 , $000200 , $000100 , \ 2nd row green
$000001 , $000002 , $000004 , $000008 , $000010 , $000020 , $000040 , $000080 , \ 3th row blue
$808080 , $404040 , $202020 , $101010 , $080808 , $040404 , $020202 , $010101 , \ 4th row white
pixels 32 neopixels

It takes about 30 us to set one Neopixel, for 32 Pixels it takes nearly 1 ms, during this time the interrupts are disabled. Consider this for RT programs and interrupt latency.



WS2812B Neopixel

    WS2812B SK6812
T0H 0 code, high voltage time 0.4 us ±150 ns 0.3 us ±150 ns
T1H 1 code, high voltage time 0.8 us ±150 ns 0.6 us ±150 ns
T0L 0 code, low voltage time 0.85 us ±150 ns 0.9 us ±150 ns
T1L 1 code, low voltage time 0.45 us ±150 ns 0.6 us ±150 ns
RES low voltage time Above 50 us 80 us


  • 1 bit takes 1.25 us (800 kHz), 24 bit take 30 us
  • Timer resolution 0.25 us
  • MSB first
  • GRB
  • 3 cycles for a wait loop

   lsls     r3, r3, #1   // set carry bit
   ittee    cs
   movwcs   r5, #T1H
   movtcs   r5, #T1L   
   movwcc   r5, #T0H
   movtcc   r5, #T0L
6 cycles.


Cycle = 1 / 168 MHz = 6 ns
0.4 us / 6 ns = 66.7 -> max. 66 cycles

.equ	T0H,		16	// 0.3 us
.equ	T1H,		40	// 0.8 us
.equ	T0L,		36	// 0.8 us
.equ	T1L,		12	// 0.3 us


Cycle = 1 / 32 MHz = 31.25 ns
0.4 us / 31.25 ns = 12.8 -> max 12 cycles

.equ	T0H,		4	// 0.4 us / (3 * 31.25 ns) = 4.27  -> 4
.equ	T1H,		8	// 0.8 us / (3 * 31.25 ns) = 8.53  -> 8
.equ	T0L,		5	// 0.85 us / (3 * 31.25 ns) = 9.07 -> 5 (4 turns less)
.equ	T1L,		1	// 0.45 us / (3 * 31.25 ns) = 4.53 -> 1 (4 turns less)

.equ	RESTIME,	533	// 50 us / (3 * 31.25 ns) = 533

//	Registers
.equ	GPIO_BSRR,	0x18	// GPIOx->BSRR bit set/reset

.global		BSP_neopixelDataTx
	push	{r4-r6, lr}
	lsl	r2, r2, #8		// r2 = rrggbb00
	mov	r3, r2			// r3 = rrggbb00
	bfc	r3, #16, #16		// r3 = 0000bb00
	rev16	r2, r2			// r2 = ggrr00bb
	bfc	r2, #0, #16		// r2 = ggrr0000
	add	r2, r2, r3		// r2 = ggrrbb00

	lsl	r3, r1, #16		// clear port pin for BSRR
	mov	r6, #24			// 24 bits

	// set DOUT pin low and wait reset time
	str	r3, [r0, #GPIO_BSRR]
	ldr	r4, =RESTIME
1:	subs	r4, r4, #1                                                 1
	bne	1b

	lsls	r2, r2, #1	// get the next bit -> set the carry bit   1
	ittee	cs                                                         1
	movcs	r4, #T1H                                                   1
	movcs	r5, #T1L                                                   1
	movcc	r4, #T0H                                                   1
	movcc	r5, #T0L                                                   1

	// set DOUT pin high
	str	r1, [r0, #GPIO_BSRR]                                       2
1:	subs	r4, r4, #1                                                 1
	bne	1b                                                         1 (2)

	// set DOUT pin low
	str	r3, [r0, #GPIO_BSRR]                                       2
2:	subs	r5, r5, #1                                                 1
	bne	2b                                                         1 (2)

	subs	r6, r6, #1                                                 1
	bne	bit_loop                                                   2

	pop	{r4-r6, pc}

Set/Reset Portpin

GPIO port bit set/reset register GPIOx_BSRR

  • Address offset: 0x18, x = A..K, D8 = PC0
  • bit0 .. bit15 bit set
  • bit16 .. bit31 bit reset

#define GPIOC_BASE            (AHB1PERIPH_BASE + 0x0800UL)
#define AHB1PERIPH_BASE       (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
#define PERIPH_BASE           0x40000000UL /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region                                */


-- Peter Schmid - 2022-03-03

Creative Commons License
This work by Peter Schmid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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PNGpng timing-neopixel.png r1 manage 19.1 K 2021-04-05 - 14:38 PeterSchmid  

This topic: MecrispCube > WebHome > MecrispCubeF405 > NeoPixel
Topic revision: r12 - 2022-10-10 - PeterSchmid
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