Bling-Bling History

Functional Model

Harnessed with soldered wire-wrap wires
LiPo battery and piggy-back KL25Z
With only 12 LEDs, Freescale FRDM-KL25Z and Arduino Proto Shield. Proof of concept, January 2014.

1. Prototype

Potted with epoxy glue
With 16 LEDs (one side only), w/ Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Microcontroller MKL25Z128VLK4 from Freescale (now NXP), PCB ca. 165 mm x 44 mm. April 2014.

2. Prototype

Potted in polyurethane (PUR)
With 32 LEDs (front- and backside), new microcontroller MK22DX256VLF from Freescale (NXP), PCB ca. 160 mm x 30 mm. Hardware July 2014, software October 2014.

3. Prototype

Potted in polyurethane (PUR)
Minor changes to 2. prototype: accelerometer, Hall effect sensor instead reed switch, mini JTAG connector on backside. Hardware January 2015, software February 2015.

Frame, 3D CAD Model

Modeled with OpenSCAD

-- Peter Schmid - 2014-10-17


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Topic revision: r4 - 2016-03-30 - PeterSchmid
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