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5 Ground Support Emulation GSE

The program ADSGSE is an interactive menu-driven utility program, which provides access to the Rosetta Lander CDMS Simulator.

The program is written in Java language and can therefore be run on various computer platforms without recompilation.

ADSGSE has two basic operating modes. In Acquisition Mode it can be used to control the various CDMS Simulator modes and to send/receive data to/from the instrument via CDMS. The transmission of data between the CDMS Simulator and the PC is made over RS-232. Received CDMS frames from the instrument are split up into housekeeping and science data frames and are stored in separate files.

The stored CDMS frames can be opened again in the program's Playback Mode, viewed and stored to ASCII files for later inspection in an analysis program.


Peter Schmid 2001-05-18