Connect the CDMS simulator with a 1:1 serial cable to the PC. Switch on the power supply for the CDMS simulator, start the ADSGSE program.
To enter ADSGSE's Acquisition Mode, select the New ... command from the File menu. The program shows a dialog box for entering a base file name. This proposed filename has the following format: yymmmdd_hhmm_ads e.g. 99Mar17_1449_ads
After confirming, the program generates two files in the default Data subdirectory, one for ADS housekeeping frames and one for ADS science frames. The entered file name will be extended automatically with .hk for the file holding the housekeeping frames and .sc for the file holding the science frames.
After that the CDMS menu is enabled and the CDMS Simulator program has to be downloaded. This is done by selecting Download ... from the CDMS menu. Again a dialog box opens and the CDMS program can be selected for downloading (currently CDMSIM42.BTL).
If this is done, the CDMS Simulator has to be configured. The easiest way is to select Default Setting from the CDMS submenu Set. In this case the following basic settings are transmitted to the CDMS Simulator:
For a detailed description of all the possible settings for the simulator refer to the CDMS interface definition (REID-A)2.
Various other settings can be performed by selecting the corresponding options from the CDMS submenu Set. The GSE software remembers previously made changes to the internally stored default settings. This feature makes it even possible to alter the settings that are transmitted via the Default Setting selection. It is only necessary to e.g. select Set Unit Attributes ..., make the changes and Cancel the dialog box. The changes to the internally stored default settings are nevertheless made and if you choose Default Setting the current default settings are transmitted to the CDMS Simulator.
To transfer telecommands to the instrument, select one of the predefined from the CDMS submenu TC or select Manual ... to transmit an individual command. Currently only two command words can be transmitted to the instrument with Manual ... For checking the transmission of the settings to the CDMS Simulator, the transferred data is displayed in the Java system console too.
For the predefined telecommands see section 3.11 on page .
The CDMS menu command Reset resets the CDMS Simulator. Sometimes you have to power-on reset the CDMS simulator and restart the ADSGSE program to resynchonize CDMS simulator and ADSGSE program.
The GSE software implements three different kinds of displays, which can be chosen by clicking the corresponding selector. The status panel (Status)shows status information like the current data file names, the number of received HK and SC frames and the time interval since the last frame of this kind was received from the CDMS Simulator, the number of frames received from other instruments and the number of frame errors detected.
The housekeeping data panel (HK Frames) displays the last received housekeeping data frame for the ADS instrument. It includes also the CDMS frame header. The age of the sampled HK data is increasing column by column, from left to the right. The youngest sample is the one at the top-left position. The display assumes eight ADS housekeeping channels that are sequentially sampled. One CDMS HK frame contains 16 HK bursts.
The science data panel (SC Frames) displays the last received science data frame for the ADS instrument. It includes also the CDMS frame header. The science data is displayed row by row. One CDMS frame contains four science frames that were transmitted from ADS.
To exit Acquisition Mode either choose Close from the File menu or quit the program.
The ADS GSE Playback Mode makes it possible to open and check previously recorded housekeeping or science data files. This mode can be entered by selecting Open ... from the File menu.
The program automatically distinguishes between housekeeping and science data and displays the frames in the respective panel.
After opening a data file, the Navigation menu becomes active and makes it possible to move around in the data file. Also function-key shortcuts are available.
For importing the data in the selected file into another analysis program, data (without frame headers) can be exported to ASCII files by choosing Save HK frames ... or Save SC frames ... from the File menu. The filenames that are proposed after the dialog boxes open are the basic file names of the currently open data files. These filenames will by automatically extended by _hk.asc, if housekeeping data is stored, or with _sc.asc if science data is stored. For housekeeping data the channel sequence is simply written to the ASCII file, frame by frame. Eight channels are written to one line, the channels are separated by spaces. The output format is signed decimal integer. This format is also valid for science data frames. To exit Playback Mode either choose Close from the File menu of quit the program.