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Results from MecrispCube web retrieved at 15:39 (GMT)

Markdown Manual Pages Cube/tree/master/sdcard Mecrisp Stellaris Forth FAT and block Cube...
A new flavor for Mecrisp Cube: MecrispCubeF405 for Feather STM32F405. If you need a faster MCU (168 MHz) and FeatherWings extensions without soldering then the MecrispCubeF...
Unfortunately the STM32WB Feather Development Board is no longer available. But there is a very good substitute the Firefly designed by Tlera Corp. The pinout is...
Instant real time programming with Forth. The Zero is an excellent portable tool for interaction with access control systems. But the display, the buttons, LIPO...
DRAFT New flavors for Mecrisp Cube: MecrispCubeH743 for NUCLEO H743ZI MecrispCubeH747 for Portenta H7 Development Board If you need a really fast MCU...
If you want a small BLE board with a QSPI NOR flash memory, a BMA400 low power accelerometer, an STBC08 LiPo battery charger, and connectors for a variety of sensor...
Mecrisp Cube Forth for the STM32WB family. Forth is an interactive and extensible language, with built in lexical analysis (tokenizer, parser) and interpreter/compiler...
The STM32WB5MM DK Discovery Board is not as cheep as the Nucleo Board but it has plenty of peripherals on board: OLED display 128x64 pixel, 128 Mbit Quad SPI NOR...
After discovering Adafruit`s Feather STM32F405 for myself, I wanted to develop a Feather board for the STM32WB. Luckily I found the STM32WB Feather Development Board...
Raw blocks or filesystem? A real filesystem is hefty and several times larger than the Forth kernel itself. But if you really want to exchange data with other systems...
Number of topics: 10

Topic revision: r181 - 2024-12-15 - PeterSchmid
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