Results from MecrispCube web retrieved at 05:06 (GMT)

For severe failures e.g. stack overflow the only way to recover for embedded systems is a reset (warm restart, abort). Other asserts (unknown events) can be ignored...
HID over GATT Profile hid devices an intro/ over gatt profile 1 0/...
BLE Terminal terminal/ Web Bluetooth Terminal rocks/how to make a web app for your own bluetooth low energy device...
The board support package for the Adafruit Feather STM32F405 Board is restricted to the J1 and J3 pin header and the onboard LEDs and switches (buttons). The STM32F...
The board support package for the STM32WB Firefly Development Board is restricted to the Arduino UNO R3 pin header and the onboard LED and switch (button). The STM...
The Flipper Zero has so many cool features, it is not easy to support all. At least in the beginning, I have to limit myself to a few features. This page is no longer...
DRAFT The board support package for the STM NUCLEO H743ZI Board is restricted to the Arduino UNO pin header and the onboard LEDs and switch (push button). The STM32H...
DRAFT The board support package for the Arduino H7 Board is restricted to the Arduino MKR pin header and the onboard RGB LED. The STM32H747 has much more capabilities...
The board support package for the STM32WB Katydid Wearable BLE Sensor Board is restricted to the xx pins, the QSPI flash and the onboard LED and switch (button). The...
The board support package for the STM32WB Nucleo Board is restricted to the Arduino UNO R3 pin header and the onboard LEDs and switches (buttons). The STM32 has much...
The board support package for the STM32WB5MM DK Discovery Kit is restricted to the Arduino UNO R3 pin header and the onboard LEDs, and switches (buttons). The STM...
The board support package for the STM32WB Feather Development Board (see feather) is restricted to the JP1 and JP3 pin header...
Calling C Functions from Forth and Vice Versa Register Usage Procedure Call Standard for the ARM Architecture AAPCS products...
Adafruit 15x7 CharliePlex LED Matrix Display. Driver is IS31FL3731 datasheet Plex and I2C Words plex emit works like the standard word emit . It blocks...
Why a Preemptive Real Time Operating System? Forth systems traditionally make use of cooperative multitasking. It is very simple and clever. But it has its limits...
STM32 Cube Ecosystem The STM tools work on Linux, Windows, and Mac. STM32CubeIDE STM32CubeIDE is an all in one multi OS development tool, which is part of the STM32Cube...
DotStar FeatherWing dotstar featherwing adafruit APA102 datasheet https://cdn
The Adafruit 2.13` EPD display #4195 has a 250x122 resolution (there are others e.g. 1.54` 200x200, 2.9` 296x128), that`s enough for about 15 lines and 40 characters...
Intro I was looking for a tiny editor which can be easily adapted and embedded into a (Forth) system. The EMACS war is over but others have won. However for me vi...
Why Floating Point? AN4044: One alternative to floating point is fixed point, where the exponent field is fixed. But if fixed point is giving better calculation speed...
Forth Calculator 2024 business card contest 2024 business card challenge...
Forth is an interactive and extensible language, built in lexical analysis (tokenizer, parser), needs less than 20 KiB Flash and 4 KiB RAM. http://mecrisp.sourceforge...
Markdown Manual Pages Cube/tree/master/sdcard Mecrisp Stellaris Forth FAT and block Cube...
A new flavor for Mecrisp Cube: MecrispCubeF405 for Feather STM32F405. If you need a faster MCU (168 MHz) and FeatherWings extensions without soldering then the MecrispCubeF...
Unfortunately the STM32WB Feather Development Board is no longer available. But there is a very good substitute the Firefly designed by Tlera Corp. The pinout is...
Instant real time programming with Forth. The Zero is an excellent portable tool for interaction with access control systems. But the display, the buttons, LIPO...
DRAFT New flavors for Mecrisp Cube: MecrispCubeH743 for NUCLEO H743ZI MecrispCubeH747 for Portenta H7 Development Board If you need a really fast MCU...
If you want a small BLE board with a QSPI NOR flash memory, a BMA400 low power accelerometer, an STBC08 LiPo battery charger, and connectors for a variety of sensor...
Mecrisp Cube Forth for the STM32WB family. Forth is an interactive and extensible language, with built in lexical analysis (tokenizer, parser) and interpreter/compiler...
The STM32WB5MM DK Discovery Board is not as cheep as the Nucleo Board but it has plenty of peripherals on board: OLED display 128x64 pixel, 128 Mbit Quad SPI NOR...
After discovering Adafruit`s Feather STM32F405 for myself, I wanted to develop a Feather board for the STM32WB. Luckily I found the STM32WB Feather Development Board...
Raw blocks or filesystem? A real filesystem is hefty and several times larger than the Forth kernel itself. But if you really want to exchange data with other systems... Industries#NeoPixel NeoPixel is Adafruit`s brand of individually addressable red green blue (RGB) LED. They are based on the...
NeoPixel Wing How to control a NeoPixel. Schematics I use the default digital pin D6 fo DIN 3 6 dmod...
I really like the neat little OLED displays. They are crisp and draw only some miliamps. Cheap OLED display have a resolution 128x32 that`s enough for about 4 lines... Quad 14 segment (plus decimal point) LED display. Quad Alphanumeric Display and I2C Words quad emit works like the standard...
RTX2010 Forth Processor (spacecraft) formerly known as Rosetta Lander RoLand Active Descent System
Most MCUs integrate a real time clock as peripheral. STM32 MCUs are no different. Many designs have their own 32.768 kHz quartz for precise timing, about 10 ppm without...
This new type of LCD has the ultra low power usage of eInk and the fast refresh rates of an LCD. Viewable in any light, from edge of vision to bright sunlight. Wide...
Intro To work interactively with a Forth system, you need some kind of console. A text with 232 RS 232 port has been used for this...
UNIX V7 PDP11 http://simh.trailing raspberry pi...
USB Composite Device with MSC and CDC STM32WB55: 16 Endpoints, Full Speed 12 Mbits/s, 8 bi directional endpoints Enumerate braucht Heap! It is easy to build a stand...
Visual Studio Code for STM32CubeMX Projects cubemx setup/
For serious real time systems you need a watchdog to detect and recover from malfunctions e.g. deadlocks. STM32 MCUs have two of them: independent watchdog (IWDG...
TWiki`s MecrispCube web The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Mecrisp Stellaris Forth for the STM32 Cube ecosystem. Forth is an interactive and extensible language, with built in lexical analysis (tokenizer, parser) and interpreter...
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